

Each player begins at ‘start’ and moves their piece along the ‘bubbles’ according to the number on the roll of the dice. Each bubble landed on gives instructions to the player. More than one player can be in a bubble together. It is a race to the end bubble, which must be landed on by rolling the exact number needed, on the dice, otherwise the player waits until their next turn to move.

Who knew frustration could be so much fun?”

  1. Each player begins at start and moves along the bubbles according to the number rolled on the die until reaching the end bubble 50.
  2. Follow the instructions on the bubble you land on.
  3. More than one player can share a bubble.
  4. Player must move to the Isolation House when instructed to isolate and must roll a 6 or a 1 (or just a 6 for variation) on their turn, to return to the game on their next turn from the bubble they left.
  5. When you swap places with or join another player in their bubble, that is the turn, there is no need to act on instructions but when you go backwards or forwards to another bubble of the same colour, you need to follow the instructions on that bubble.
  6. Vaccine Pass, Mask, QR Code, Toilet Roll and WILD cards are played on the player’s turn.
  7. Collect 4 toilet-roll cards and redeem them on your turn to jump to bubble 46.
  8. Redeem one toilet-roll card on bubble 12 to avoid missing your turn.
  9. There are 3 ways to finish the game:
    1. First to reach bubble 50 wins.
    2. A player must land on bubble 50 by the exact roll of the die, waiting until they attain the correct number.
    3. Player must roll the exact number on the die to end, but if the number is too large, the player moves forward to bubble 50, then bounces back the excess number of bubbles.

“Covid The Boardgame; just like in the pandemic, prepare to experience UNPRECEDENTED FRUSTRATION on your journey to vaccination!